When you're an artist dressing as an artist for Halloween, it's expected that you go all out. 。
Redditor Vito Polizzidid just that with his awesome Vincent van Gogh costume, which features a rainbow of neon colors that glow when under a black light.。
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Credit: OTIVITO/REDDIT 。Polizzi, a recording artist from the Metro Detroit area, used glow in the dark face paints to create the costume, and took photos of it while under a black light. 。"[In regular lighting, the costume] looks similar but less of a wow factor because of the paints I used," Polizzi told 。
. "I'm doing it again tonight and planned on making the day time version look as good as the glow version since not many places are equipped with the black lights my costume needs for the full effect." 。 Credit: Vito Polizzi。Credit: Vito Polizzi 。
Credit: Vito Polizzi 。
. "I've also been told I look somewhat like Van Gogh because of my reddish hair and complexion. So I thought it would be fun to paint my face like one of his self portraits."。