WeRateDogs is a great Twitter account to follow because it recognizes a basic truth about life: all dogs are good dogs. 。
Now, dog_rates creator Matt Nelson has teamed up with the London-based Fourthwall Games to deliver a mobile game that celebrates all the lovable puppers and doggos of the world. 。 Good Dogs 。Good Dogs 。
is what it's called, naturally.。SEE ALSO:WeRateDogs Twitter combats Muslim ban with 'unconditional love' 。
It's a free-to-play endless runner that will be hitting Android and iOS app stores on Feb. 3. The more time you spend playing -- or the more money you spend, if you prefer -- the more dogs you unlock. No energy bars or timers or anything like that.。
As you can see in the trailer, it's a straightforward game that's about letting puppers and doggos live their best life. 。
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You guide your chosen pooch around and over obstacles for as long as you can while collecting bones. There are dogs and hats to unlock -- yes, hats -- and the whole game is sprinkled with the sort of smile-inducing comments that make Nelson's Twitter feed such an enjoyable place. 。
WeRateDogs was born in Nov. 2015, and it quickly amassed huge followings on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat thanks to its abundance of cute pup photos, quirky one-liners, and willingness to regularly assign ratings higher than its 1-10 scale technically allows (because dogs). 。
As the world has seemingly fallen apart in more recent months, the dog-rating Twitter feed has taken on a more willfully positive stance. Nelson has made it clear: dogs are fonts of unconditional love, and humans could stand to learn something from that.。
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