LOS ANGELES -- A trial by jury could decide whether a fan-made 。 Star Trek 。film -- meant to be a proof-of-concept for a higher quality, feature-length version -- boldly went too far into the depths of copyright infringement. 。
Paramount Pictures and CBS, which own all rights to the franchise's film and TV productions, months ago filed a copyright lawsuit against Axanar Works, which sought to raise $1 million on Kickstarter for。 Prelude to Axanar。, a prequel to the original television show. Axanar used professional cast and crew to make its 20-minute version for YouTube, where it's been viewed 2.7 million times.。
SEE ALSO:Some disturbed and festive Trekkie made a gingerbread USS Enterprise going down in a fiery crash 。A federal judge in California on Wednesday declined to grant summary judgment against Axanar, effectively kicking the case's key questions to a jury, according to court documents obtained Wednesday by。 Mashable 。Mashable。
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The case against Axanar gained interest because dozens, if not hundreds, of fan-made Stat Trek creations have been allowed to exist over the years -- and this is where Paramount and CBS chose to draw the line.。 For now, the Axanar video still exists on YouTube:。The federal judge ruled that the character of Garth falls under copyright, as well as the characteristics, language, costumes and other details that are clearly within the 。
Star Trek 。
Star Trek。
With Axanar working against all odds, it seems like a peaceful resolution would be most logical. 。