The battle to get a redhead emoji added to keyboards has certainly not been without impassioned debate. But, now it seems Google might have waded into the ginger emoji discussion with a rather shady message. 。
SEE ALSO:An online petition is pleading with Apple to add a redhead emoji 。If you're an iPhone user with Gboard enabled on your keyboard, something pretty unusual happens when you emoji search the word "ginger." Google's Gboard presents you with a bunch of middle finger emoji. (How rude!) 。) 。
Credit: rachel thompson / mashable。Redheads are currently jubilantly celebrating as a。 standalone redhead emoji。has just been made a candidate for 2018's Unicode release. If accepted, they could be added to emoji keyboards by mid-2018. Given that Ginger Parrot (a website for redheads and their supporters) launched a 。 petition。petition。
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Tweet may have been deleted。Bizarrely, this little quirk is unique to iPhone users.。
did some more digging into Google's potential distain for redheads. It emerged that no middle fingers appear when you search for "ginger" on Android using the Gboard function.。
Tweet may have been deleted 。Via Giphy。