Ah, the unique challenges of operating an online game with a truly global audience.
For the final week of November, Pokémon Goplayers will receive double the amount of XP and Stardust that they usually would. It's meant as a thank you from Niantic, the game's developer, to the fans.
SEE ALSO:When Pikachu visits Mashable, all work predictably stopsJust don't call it a Thanksgiving event. Remember: Pokémon Gois a global phenomenon. Plenty of people won't be eating turkey and stuffing on Thursday, but they'll still be playing.
This is the second Pokémon Goevent in as many months. In October, Niantic hosted a Halloween event that increased the occurrences of certain "spooky" Pokémon and let players earn bonus candy.
Pokémon Golaunched in July, but the game hasn't evolved quickly enough for some players' tastes. Mashable's own Pete Pachal, who is a big fan, walked us through what the game's done right and wrong for a Button Mash last month.
The Pokémon Gogiving thanks event kicks off at 7 p.m. ET on Nov. 22 and runs through to 7 p.m. ET on Nov. 29.