By now, you've almost certainly seen the video of one extraordinarily lit Christmas parade featuring children's characters pulling some fantastic dance moves.。
SEE ALSO:Watch children try to do #MannequinChallenge and adorably fail。SEE ALSO:Watch children try to do #MannequinChallenge and adorably fail 。 From Twitter to 。The Shade Room 。
, footage of these hype kid's favorites has gone super-viral, and reactions to the party have been extremely mixed. 。
The video was taken at the Scotland County Christmas Parade in Laurinberg, North Carolina, where the characters danced down Main Street to energize the local crowd. 。
The dancers are from company TandL-Characters, who provide their spirited performers for a range of celebratory events. 。 "We perform skits and dance because no one wants to go to a party [where] the characters only wave and take pictures," the company's founder, Lavonda McLaughlin, told。Mashable, "。
Mashable, " 。 Our skits and music pieces are part of the company." 。While some viewers sounded off about finding the dancing inappropriate in the comments section of an article in 。The 。
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Children love to dance - especially to the top songs that are played on the radio," she continued. "There is nothing wrong with clean fun." 。
Negative comments on the original video also prompted its poster (and hilarious commentator) to post this: 。
Upon receiving negative comments, "The kids [who work for the company] were not happy," McLaughlin said. "We have never had any negativity until we did the parade in Laurinburg, North Carolina."。
"We are a family business," McLaughlin explained, revealing she runs the company with husband, Travis. "We started because [our son] liked to dance, and he was good at it." 。
Along with McLaughlin's own three children, the company consists of kids from Durham and Laurinburg, North Carolina, who are all close friends.。