"Are we doomed?"
This is a question I'm sure will run through the minds of many Americans upon learning that a url praising Hydra, a fictional Nazi terrorist organization from Marvel's Captain America series, re-directs to the official White House website.
Yep. Yep. This is real.
SEE ALSO:Marvel Comics has taken this Nazi Captain America thing too farOn Thursday, ComicBook.comreported that the websitewww.hail-hydra.com brings curious users straight to President Donald J. Trump's official White House bio, which is extremely normal and not at all concerning, right?
*nervous laughterrrrrr*
While it's unclear who exactly owns the website domain, we do know it was registered back on April 23, 2014 to a P.O. Box in Queensland, Australia and was most recently updated on April 16, 2017.
It clearly seems someone out there is trying to communicate a belief that Trump's leadership is less-than-honorable, but the timing of the switch is also particularly distressing because the Marvel world is in the midst of a massive Hydra-related controversy.
Much to fans' dismay, the once honorable, patriotic superhero, Captain America, was recently revealed to be a member of Hydra all along, announcing "Hail Hydra" and pledging loyalty to the evil Nazi organization.
Though the decision has caused straight-up chaos amongst justice-loving Marvel fans, writer Nick Spencer told Entertainment Weeklythe decision to have Cap ready and willing to don Hydra's signature Red Skull symbol was unrelated to contemporary politics.
While that may be true, it's not Trump and his administration's first run in with Nazi-related accusations. An artist has invoked the theme on an anti-Trump billboard (which earned her death threats) and alt-right movement founder Richard B. Spencer lead a group of people in a "Hail Trump" chant complete with Nazi salutes.
Sure it's a simple url prank, but Captain America andthe president of America both being associated with Nazis is just a tad bit overwhelming, don't you think?
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