Tbones fancies himself a dancer.。
Oh, and his opinions about women have long been a bit retrograde.。
This, and so much more, can be gleaned from Uber CEO Travis Kalanick's old Twitter account. The handle, konatbone, is protected. But as with so many things on the internet, that doesn't mean you can't see it — you just have to know where to look.。
And look we did.。
The embattled CEO officially moved on from konatbone to his current handle, travisk, in late 2010. The original account, which looks to have been created in 2007, was protected around that time as well. This meant that only approved followers could see its content after that point.。
Tweet may have been deleted 。
Thankfully for all of us, there's a little thing called The Internet Archive — which in all its glory created The Way Back Machine to preserve the web in digital amber. The service works by crawling the internet and taking what are essentially snapshots of websites at any given time. The pages are then available to search. 。
Thanks for signing up! 。
A 2009 gem.Credit: twitter。
Raising the roof.Credit: twitter 。
Raising the roof.Credit: twitter 。"Tbones skollin those mutha fuckas on the danc e floor yo," he explained.。
reached out to Uber, who replied, "Like many others on social media, Travis tweeted things many years ago that he now regrets. The tweets were thoughtless and insensitive so he’s deleted them."。
"ev selfish feature request: I would love separate work and friends accounts attached to one twitter handle.." 。
"ev selfish feature request: I would love separate work and friends accounts attached to one twitter handle.." 。
Or if not that, then maybe spend some time updating his old WordPress blog.。