The baseball gods trolled us all on Wednesday night.。
World Series viewers reacted with hysterical resignation when groundskeepers in Cleveland brought out the tarp for a rain delay after nine innings and four hours of Game 7 baseball led to a tie score and nothing decided.。
SEE ALSO:A Cubs fan paid $47,000 for two World Series Game 7 tickets。Baseball may be slow but the internet works lightning-fast. This crying Jordan tarp summed up the situation well. 。
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But that was just the tip of the jokes iceberg.。
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The delay only lasted about 15 minutes before the 10th inning began -- but who knows what else the night could bring. Maybe that prophetic Twitter user was right after all about the apocalypse being nigh. 。
At least we have each other, internet. At least we have each other. 。At least we have each other, internet. At least we have each other.。