PBS is cutting Sen. Al Franken from their broadcast of the Kennedy Center's ceremony for Late Showhost David Letterman, reports The Wrap.
Franken, a Saturday Night Livealumni, had given a speech in Letterman's honor at the Mark Twain Prize ceremony on Oct. 23 in Washington D.C.
As of Nov. 17, Franken is facing allegations of sexual misconduct from news anchor Leeann Tweeden, who said Franken kissed her without consent and groped her while she was asleep in 2006.
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In a press statement, PBS detailed their intention to keep the show focused as a "celebration," and that to do so, they would have to remove Franken's speech entirely.
PBS and WETA, the producing station, felt that the inclusion of Senator Franken in the broadcast at this time would distract from the show’s purpose as a celebration of American humor.
The edited tribute will air on PBS on Monday, Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. ET.
PBS aren't the only ones shunning Franken. His former comedy home Saturday Night Livespent almost two minutes of their seven-minute Weekend Update segment roasting the senator over the allegations.
Even U.S. Hypocrite-in-Chief, Donald "Grab 'Em by the Pussy" Trump, attempted to join the Franken smacking party, and it did not go well.